Garden Report

Garden Report

Garden Report: The Pumpkin Saga of 2024

Good day, garden enthusiasts! This is Anjie, reporting live from Anjie's Garden, where I’ve embarked on a thrilling gardening journey at our new home. Today, I bring you the captivating story of my pumpkin plants and their valiant battle against the uninvited invaders — the cow peas.

It all began in May of 2024 when I planted seeds purchased from a lovely Etsy shop. Armed with compost and determination, we prepared the garden bed, adding mulch to keep those pesky weeds at bay. I dug tiny holes, dropped in the seeds, and whispered a hopeful prayer, as it was my first time gardening at this location. Would it work? Only time would tell.

Soon, the seeds germinated, and green sprouts peeked out of the ground. Excitement filled the air! But, just as the pumpkin plants began their journey, an unexpected antagonist entered the scene: the cow peas.

Unbeknownst to me, I had planted cow peas alongside the pumpkins. At first, their rapid growth seemed like a win. But soon, they began to spread far and wide, choking out the pumpkin plants and blocking their sunlight. My once hopeful pumpkin patch turned into a dense, tangled bed of cow pea vegetation with only sparse pods to show for it.

Lesson learned: while cow peas are excellent nitrogen fixers for the soil, their exuberant growth can outshine more delicate plants like pumpkins. To make matters worse, the abundance of mulch contributed to nitrogen overload, leading to lush foliage but minimal fruit.

Realizing the dire state of my pumpkins, I made the difficult decision to root out the cow peas. With the competition removed, my cherished pumpkin plants finally had the space and sunlight they needed to thrive.

Despite the challenges, one mighty pumpkin emerged victorious—the biggest I’ve ever grown! Though it was the sole survivor of the season, it brought us immense joy (and delicious meals). My husband and I enjoyed it in hearty soups and as a side to curried chicken, Jamaican style.

Lessons Learned:

  • Pumpkins can be direct-sown and thrive with minimal intervention.
  • Sunlight is essential for pumpkins to grow and produce fruit.
  • Be cautious when planting vigorous companion plants like cow peas. Too much of a good thing can spell trouble.
  • Mulch is great for weed control but can contribute to nutrient imbalances if overused.


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